lyrics for music

The lyrics for the music of Sergey Afanasiev are protected by copyright.
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It's time for rain, wind freedom,
The peace of withered grasses, the bleak look of the fields,
A wedge at dawn of flying cranes —
A parting cry of exhausted nature.

Expanse of fields and whisper of pines,
A thick shroud of the awakened forest
Silence of bird voices —
Autumn is coming into its own again.

Gray haze of misty dreams,
Winter's breath, an eternity of silence,
And, in anticipation of Spring,
I can't stop the rush of autumn tears!

In the clear air of the nights,
Forgotten dreams stupid obsession,
Deception false vision
In the cold darkness of the sun's rays —
And in this Autumn, a sad creation.


The air is darkening over the evening field
Under the weight of faded shadows.
The silent forest is sad and calm
In the frozen gloom of the blackening branches.

There is the fragrance of a silent garden
Night creeps on... And the mourning of silence
It flows through the rustling of leaves
Holding my breath in the moonlight.

There behind the sweat of fear
The world is numb alone with you,
And the voice that rose from the dust
It will turn out to be an impossible plea.

There is an image, driven by loneliness,
He will call out to the soul with a disconsolate cry.
There he wanders through the lost valleys
An invisible ghost who believed in luck.